Intuitive Readings

With a straight-forward easy to understand style of reading you will find your deepest questions answered. Be it with Tarot, Oracle or Briscas the cards are a tool that we can use to interpret the messages waiting for you.

What Are The Common Benefits of an Intuitive Reading?

Intuitive readings are a self-discovery tool that provides a better understanding of oneself, life lessons, and a discovery of the current opportunities available to shift, heal, and grow. Whether faced with seemingly unattainable goals, challenging issues or concerns, or any chronic conditions or faced with a life experience that seems to be going well, an intuitive reading is like a mirror reflecting back with insights to illustrate choices available to you on your path. Free will is always in play. The benefits of intuitive readings are many. The following are some of the most common: 

  • Confirmation or encouragement that you are on your path and making the best decisions for your highest good
  • Access and visibility to blind spots or hidden aspects of yourself shaping your thoughts or feelings on a situation
  • Receive guided answers and information to your concerns or areas of question
  • Gain visibility to the influences as to where you are now, where you want to be, and your next steps in any given circumstance or situation
  • Areas of life addressed: relationships with significant other, finding a mate, co-workers, family, children; Financial and money concerns; Work-related situations; Life path, meaningful work, and more.

What Can I Expect?

During an intuitive reading, I may use a combination of an oracle card deck, a Tarot deck, a pendulum, various charts, my intuition, and interactive discussion between myself and my client to receive clear guidance and information as it relates to my client’s questions.

I consider myself a facilitator of communication and information during an intuitive reading. I intend to assist my clients through the journey of decision-making via awareness and self-empowerment.

The results:

  • Clients leave with insights, shifts, and/or approaches that were previously inaccessible
  • Actionable information, exercises, and resources are provided as actions steps for the client to take based on the insights shared
  • A recorded session

Sessions are available: In-person; Local and Remote via phone or Zoom.

What Intuitive Readings Are Not:

Intuitive readings are not voyeuristic (an exploration looking into the lives of others). Intuitive readings are not predictive of outcomes (predicting the future). Intuitive readings are not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment or therapy.